The Goal:

Midtown Video was selected to enhance the video system in the large sanctuary at St. Louis Catholic Church.

The Challenge:

Engineer and install a full-featured streaming/broadcast system during the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to limitations on the existing space all systems on the campus needed to be connected through outdoor rated cables provided and installed by Midtown Video.

The Solution:

Our team added three remote-controlled, pan and tilt cameras to stream live services held at the church and watched throughout the community. A video control room was designed and added to the system with a Vizrt TriCaster Mini 4K live streaming switcher, camera control unit, and monitors. Now, the director can control video, audio, and other elements to produce professional-quality productions of the services.

The Result: Happy client!

“Guys, thank you for your help and expediency with this project, check out the results, it looks AMAZING! We switched, transitions, overlays, everything. It was awesome.”

David Bustamante
St. Louis Catholic Church